Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence (1953)
Queerness is framed as a phase in the 1953 “educational” film SOCIAL-SEX ATTITUDES IN ADOLESCENCE.
1953. USA/Canada.
Runtime: 24 minutes
Writer: Elizabeth B. Hurlock
Narrator: Lorne Greene
“The film then looks back and puts in perspective the various stages of sexual adjustment both the young man and girl have passed through: from crushes on individuals of the same sex, through trying out a variety of possible friends and intimates, to 'steady' dating, and the final mature choice of a marriage partner.”
SOCIAL-SEX ATTITUDES IN ADOLESCENCE was created by American based company McGraw-Hill Text-Films, with the help of Canadian company Crawley Films, as part of a larger series of “Adolescent Development” shorts. They were filmed in Canada with a combination of American and Canadian actors/crew and intended for distribution to schools in both countries.
You can find the full short streaming on YouTube.